
快盈彩票Grace留言時大爆原來Yannick出世的時候都有驚魄驚心的時候,她說:「Our Dearest Middle Child. Yannick has always been a little more unique than the rest. On the night of his 4th birthday, I told him the story of how he came into this world…Unlike both his brothers, Yannick was delivered ONE day earlier than we had planned. At the hospital, as the doctor was carefully treating him, he had found Yannick’s umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. Luckily with expertise, the doctor quickly resolved the issue and we were able to hear his first cry. Throughout these four years of his life, there has never been a dull moment with him. And he always keeps us on our toes. The first to make a silly face and the last to roll his eyes at a lame joke Mommy said. This kid is equally funny as he is sensitive. Most of all, he truly loves his brothers unconditionally. Happiest Birthday to our lil Godzilla. Don’t stop being exactly who you are!(我們最親愛的中間孩子。Yannick總是比其他人更獨特一些。 在他四歲生日的那晚上,我告訴他他如何來到這個世界的故事……與他的兩個兄弟不同,Yannick比我們計劃的早一天出生。在醫院,當醫生精心治療他時,他發現Yannick的臍帶纏繞在他的頸上。幸運的是,憑藉專業知識,醫生很快就解決了問題,我們能夠聽到他的第一聲哭聲。 在他的這四年的人生中,從來沒有一刻是沉悶的。 他總是讓我們保持警戒。 第一個做鬼臉,最後一個對媽媽講的笑話翻白眼。 這孩子既有趣又敏感。最重要的是,他真的無條件地愛著他的兄弟。 祝我們的小哥斯拉生日快樂。不要停止做自己!)」

鄭嘉穎二仔Yannick生日搞哥斯拉派對 陳凱琳感觸4年前:出世前臍帶纏頸  第1张

鄭嘉穎二仔Yannick生日搞哥斯拉派對 陳凱琳感觸4年前:出世前臍帶纏頸  第2张

鄭嘉穎二仔Yannick生日搞哥斯拉派對 陳凱琳感觸4年前:出世前臍帶纏頸  第2张
